CBD for Crohn’s Disease: Benefits and Use

Cannabidiol or CBD for short, can be a great help for patients affected by Crohn’s disease. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease, whose causes are probably combined with immunological, bacterial, and environmental factors, causes symptoms that have been treated with CBD for a very long time.

The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD

CBD inhibits inflammation, which in turn is the primary disease mechanism of Crohn’s disease. These inflammations can occur throughout the gastrointestinal tract, in the worst cases extending from the entrance in the mouth to the exit in the anus. Practically, the large and small intestines are most commonly affected, and in the latter, again the ileum. Its last section connects the small intestine with the large intestine. The consequences of chronic inflammation are bleeding, diarrhea, and damage to the inner lining of the intestine; intestinal obstruction also occurs. In severe cases, parts of the small intestine are surgically removed.

CBD cannot eliminate the cause of the inflammation, but it can slow down its spread and, in addition, relieve the affected individuals of a great deal of their pain. Sufferers have therefore been using cannabis for self-medication for some time. At a minimum, they report strong subjective improvements, especially with regard to inflammatory pain. These are controlled by the body’s own endocannabinoid system, whose receptors are found in large numbers in the intestine – which is why it is called “our second brain”. Exogenous cannabinoids now act on this system, which significantly reduces inflammatory pain. They also support the reduction of chronic inflammation.

Effect of CBD against diarrhea

One of the most common primary symptoms of Crohn’s disease is diarrhea. The stool contains blood, pus, or intestinal mucus depending on the section of the intestine affected, and it can also be very watery. A widespread and very unpleasant feeling of the affected persons to defecate unconditionally forces them to go to the toilet again and again, apparently not emptying completely or at least perceiving it that way. This complex is called tenesmus.

People have been using cannabis against diarrhea for centuries, and modern research has now been able to provide empirical evidence of its corresponding efficacy. Responsible for the diarrhea in Crohn’s disease patients is probably the inflamed mucosa, i.e. the mucus-containing membrane located in the intestine. Fluid exchange in the intestine also no longer functions properly. Furthermore, in this clinical picture, certain bacteria impair intestinal activity. CBD alleviates these symptoms, among other things, because of its antibacterial properties and again because of its anti-inflammatory effect. It also has a positive effect on intestinal motility (movements of intestinal peristalsis). Presumably, CBD affects the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is partly responsible for the control of the gastrointestinal tract.

CBD as an analgesic for Crohn’s disease

Chronic pain is a severe side effect of this disease, 70% of all patients suffer from it. They occur when the ileum is affected in the lower right abdominal area, often those affected initially think of appendicitis. In reality, they are caused by the departure of parts of the intestinal mucus layer in the intestine, intestinal obstruction could also be causative. CBD relieves pain symptoms, among other things, through its psychogenic effect, but also by inhibiting inflammation and reducing the severity of abdominal swelling. Bowel spasms and fluid loss subside. The effects have been proven so far by patient surveys. It has been found that chronic pain became much more manageable. A pilot study took place in California in 2005, in which 12 Crohn’s disease patients were interviewed before and after they had been given cannabis. Patients were asked to name their pain on a scale of 1 to 10. The average score was 6.5 before and 2 after cannabis administration.

Appetite-stimulating effect of cannabis

The pilot study mentioned above was also able to prove that the appetite of the patients increased significantly after the administration of cannabis. This is significant because the appetite of patients with Crohn’s disease decreases to such an extent that severe health consequences due to malnutrition are to be feared. Chronic nausea and abdominal pain naturally inhibit any desire for a meal, but the weight loss can be dramatic.

CBD for Crohn’s Disease Testimonials

The internet is filled with Crohn’s Disease patients sharing their stories and personal journeys to better health thanks to CBD. In addition, these testimonials describe CBD dosage recommendations as well as general tips for the use of CBD for Crohn’s Disease. See some user testimonials here.

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