CBD and Homeostasis

Last Updated on May 6, 2021 by Maxwell Harris

The past few years have been marked with a surge in demand and interest in knowing more about cannabidiol (CBD), which is a compound that occurs naturally and is extracted from the cannabis plant. It contains lots of therapeutic and non-intoxicating properties. This article discusses the close relationship between CBD and homeostasis. We will also help you understand what endocannabinoid system is and how receptors are affected by CBD.

What is Homeostasis

When discussing the importance of CBD and its role in enhancing and maintaining our health, we focus on its influence on the endocannabinoid system and improving its capability to maintain homeostasis.

Homeostasis refers to the body’s reaction or process to ensure a consistent internal environment. CBD is one of the best elements with the utmost potential to maintain homeostasis like internal body temperature.

Why Your Body Needs Homeostasis

Your body needs homeostasis to grow, function, and to survive by maintaining a stable internal environment which is also related to the works of CBD. Without homeostasis, the chances are that you will encounter serious health complications, such as cancer, headache, stroke, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. Your body’s ability to adjust accordingly to the environment and maintain homeostasis determines whether diseases will develop and become severe. It can achieve this with the help of CBD, receptors, and the endocannabinoid system.

CBD and Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

Other than help with homeostasis, CBD has been manifested to have an array of medical applications. Currently, a huge population uses it to take care of a wide range of medical complications. CBD works best as an alternative medication or supplement, as well as optimizing various receptors in the brain.

This might make you want to know whether CBD works regarding homeostasis.

To provide detailed answers to the above question, we intend to show you how CBD, a compound provided by nature, can interact with your endocannabinoid system to improve homeostasis and improve your overall health.

CBD and the Immune System

It is almost impossible to mention CBD’s benefits and how it helps to maintain homeostasis without talking about immunity itself. It is accurate to state that generally, homeostasis heavily relies on anti-inflammation and inflammation signals.

Read more: CBD and the Immune System

Through signs such as soreness, pain, fatigue, swelling, itchy skin, and redness, inflammation can be identified. In some cases, discomfort in your gut can be used as a sure sign of inflammation and lack of elaborate homeostasis, for instance, in the case of IBS, diarrhea, and ulcerative colitis.

If your immune system gets inflamed, it can indicate that you may have autoimmune infections such as thyroid, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. Other diseases that might lead to immune system inflammation include skin conditions such as eczema.

The CBD and Nervous System (CNS)

When talking about the nervous system in relation to homeostasis, we can group the primary forces of balance into those of excitation an inhibition/ relaxation. In case the nervous system gets overly excited, this can give birth to serious mental complications such as anxiety. Also, if some parts of the nervous system get inhibited, it can result in drowsiness or problems linked with mobility.

Again, in this case, inflammation appears as one of the major indications of problems affecting the CNS. These might include anxiety, migraines, epilepsy, PTSD, insomnia, and ADHD/ADD. The endocannabinoid system is prevalent throughout various cells in the central nervous system. When CBD and other cannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors found on the CNS cells, there is going to be the transmission of a message to the cell nucleus, and proper action is taken with the help of endocannabinoid system to ensure the required balance.

How the Endocannabinoid System Regulates Emotion, Mood, and Stress Response

Besides its role in taking care of the metabolic processes, the endocannabinoid system also helps regulate moods, emotions, and responses to stress. As already mentioned, the cannabinoid receptors are found in the entire body, more so in the brain. Importantly, high levels of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 receptors) are prevalent in the sections of the brain that are responsible for emotion and stress management.

These parts of the human brain include the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and periaqueductal gray. Through animal studies, it is reported that if receptors in these parts of the brain are stimulated, the endocannabinoid can help by reducing anxiety, fear, and reduce stress, and that is another important function of endocannabinoid system.

The Hormone System or Endocrine System

Regarding the homeostasis in the hormone system or endocrine, the key forces of balance are evenly distributed between those that help build up tissue and the ones that break up tissue. For example, imagine the human pancreas, whose main duty is to secrete insulin. To make sure that your body functions optimally, a good amount of insulin will have to be produced by millions of pancreatic cells. This is done to help balance the blood sugar level in the body.

If too much is produced, and the internal environment is affected, this might lead to a severe health complication known as hyperglycemia. Also, the same complication will be encountered if too little is produced.

The endocannabinoid system has been proven to help with the regulation of glucose and lipids in the body.

CBD Oil Helps in Secretion of Certain Genes in The Body

Every detail needed to make proteins in the body’s building blocks is accurately contained in the genes. These are the molecules that send signals and also run a range of physiological processes. These include the hormones that take care of the endocrine system, cytokines that regulate the immune system, and the neurotransmitters that regulate the central nervous system.

According to scientists, CBD oil helps in regulating the transmission of at least 1,100 genes, which contributes greatly to homeostasis. These include the genes that help in the formation of the signalling molecules that help reduce inflammation in all parts of the CNS and immune system, hence achieving a perfect balance for the two systems, as well as that of the endocannabinoid system.

Adenosine Receptors and CBD

CBD oil’s anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties are greatly linked with its close interaction with the adenosine receptors. CBD enhances the production of dopamine and glutamate neurotransmitters through the activation of adenosine. Dopamine takes care of various processes such as cognition, motor control, and motivation, and reward mechanisms.

Glutamate helps modulate memory formation, cognition, learning, and excitatory signals without affecting the body’s internal temperature and blood pressure. CBD and endocannabinoid system might also have an impact on things such as opioid receptors, cannabinoid receptors, and dopamine receptors. These receptors play integral roles in maintaining the normal functioning of the body.

The Bottom Line

Many companies currently sell CBD products to work alongside the endocannabinoid system. Therefore, it is vital to understand what the products can do to homeostasis in your body, and why you should consider giving it a try. However, when shopping, it is vital to remember that the quality of CBD might vary greatly depending on many factors such as price, location, a manufacturing company, etc. Your receptors might be affected if you choose the wrong product. Also, refrain from using products that might affect the internal temperature of your body.

Therefore, it is vital that you only get your CBD from a licensed supplier to avoid issues related to low quality. Otherwise, it is paramount that you consult with your healthcare provider before adding the CBD to your routine, especially when looking to enhance homeostasis. Homeostasis is a good thing in the body, and with the help of CBD, you can easily achieve and maintain it, as well as the functions of the endocannabinoid system. Be sure to learn about other receptors that might be affected by CBD.

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