CBD Oil for Psoriasis

Last Updated on February 2, 2021 by Maxwell Harris

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin infection that can be very troublesome to the sufferer. In most cases, psoriasis can affect multiple cells at the same time and can cause white scales as the skin thickens. Psoriasis causes the skin cells to multiply at a very fast rate, which causes scale-like patches on the skin. CBD offers a sure way to deal with psoriasis.

Psoriasis occurs most of the time when the skin cells multiply up to ten times faster than normal. The cells can grow on any part of the body, but most of them will appear on the knees, elbows, scalp, and on the lower back. However, psoriasis cannot be passed from person to person.

Conventional treatment of psoriasis usually includes corticosteroid creams, but sometimes doctors may prescribe oral medication if the condition of the skin is too severe.

What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a common natural remedy used to control various types of health complications such as psoriasis. CBD is one of more than 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids and is extracted from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa).

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary cannabinoid in cannabis and will make you feel high when consumed in a certain amount, and is different from CBD. However, CBD oil is not psychoactive. With these properties, CBD is an ideal option for individuals looking for pain relief and many other psoriasis symptoms without causing effects on the brain. We will focus on how the oil can work when dealing with psoriasis.

CBD and Psoriasis

According to researchers, CBD oil for psoriasis can help to reduce psoriasis symptoms significantly. Individuals who received a placebo did not manifest any improvement, while those who received a higher concentration of CBD recorded tremendous improvement. This is a clear indication that the oil can be effective when dealing with psoriasis; which should be CBD oil.

CBD oil is made when CBD extracted from the original plant and then diluted with hemp seed oil and can be used to manage psoriasis. However, the quality of the oil varies among manufacturing companies based on the substances they add to CBD.

Related: CBD Buyer’s Guide: All You Need to Know Before You Buy CBD

Psoriasis will mostly appear when someone is still young and can affect many areas of the body simultaneously. If psoriasis gets severe, the infection symptoms can be seen in larger parts of the body.

Psoriasis on the skin

How to Use CBD for Psoriasis

The psoriasis symptoms of the infection can vary from one person to another.

When dealing with psoriasis, you can use the oil both internally and externally. This is because CBD might significantly affect the regeneration of your skin, thereby alleviating Psoriasis symptoms. The right oil to treat psoriasis is normally found in tiny dropper bottles, capsules, topically, and might also come in edible forms, but you should take the right amount of CBD.

If you are just getting started on CBD, doctors advise that you begin with very small amounts of the oil, which should be internal. This implies that you will use a drop or two of CBD under your tongue each day when treating your skin. You can then increase the amounts of CBD intake after around two weeks if the results are not impressive enough.

Another good way to use CBD for psoriasis is in the form of capsules. CBD capsule provide a precise dosage and are easy to take on the go.

If you choose the external application of CBD oil for psoriasis, make sure to apply CBD a few times a day to help ease the symptoms. This might be a good method if some areas of the skin are more affected than others and need more concentrated treatment.

CBD and Scalp Psoriasis

Most people find using CBD to treat scalp psoriasis a huge challenge since the infected skin can be hard to deal treat due to all the hair. However, those who lack hair on the scalp might not be faced with such a challenge.

As mentioned earlier, when applying CBD oil directly on the skin, it provides localised relief and can start acting directly on the affected area. A good tip for using CBD on your scalp and around the hairline is to do it in the late afternoon, so by the time you go to bed, the oil would have had the chance to be fully absorbed.

If you do not like the idea of using CBD oil on your scalp, a sublingual intake should also provide the desired relief, but it may take longer.

Anecdotal evidence from CBD users shows that a combination of both (sublingual and topical) works most effectively.

Bottom line

Before you use CBD, it is vital that you consult with your physician. Also, there are many online and offline places to buy CBD oil at reasonable prices. Before placing an order to buy CBD oil for psoriasis, you need to ascertain that you are buying from a licensed manufacturer.

Many factors come into play when determining the duration it would take the oil to give your positive results. They include age, the severity of the skin infection, the amount of CBD you are using, how you apply it, your skin type, etc.

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