CBD oil for Multiple Sclerosis

Last Updated on June 3, 2020 by Maxwell Harris

CBD oil for multiple sclerosis is a growing area of ​​interest and not without reason. Read this article and find out more about how CBD oil can affect sclerosis.

Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes in many cultures around the world for centuries. During the 19th century, cannabis was used to treat several problems such as insomnia, loss of appetite, pain, cramps, asthma, and depression.

In recent years of research, it has been possible to describe the effects of cannabis on the human body. In particular, research has been done in the area of ​​MS disease related to cannabis.

Multiple sclerosis affects a lagre percentage of the population. In Germany for example, there are currently around 200,000 people living with sclerosis and studies show that 14% of sclerosis patients experience pain or even daily stress. 11% of the patients suffered from severe cramps who could not be remedied by standard medicine.

This corresponds to over 22,000 people who cannot be remedied with the usual medicine. However, research in the cannabis field now offers more options because there are products like CBD oil for sclerosis, which is a progressive sclerosis medicine that can be bought today.

Read more here: What is CBD oil used for?

In medical contexts, interest in medical cannabis is increasing and the media is increasingly throwing a spotlight on the topic. However, information about the various medical cannabis treatments is not readily available for the German suffering from sclerosis. So here’s what cannabis means in medical contexts to help you understand cannabis as a whole.

Cannabis consists of more than 60 cannabinoids, which can vary depending on the plant. You are probably thinking now: “What are cannabinoids?”

We know that there are several systems in the human body that make the body function properly. Including the digestive system, respiratory system, nervous system and so on. Each system consists of several parts, for example, our nervous system consists of our brain, spinal cord, and nerves. A new human system was discovered in the 1980s, the endocannabinoid system.

All mammals have a cannabinoid system that consists of two parts, the chemical signaling substances, and two receptors.

These receptors are called CB1 and CB2, and our Cannabinoids activate these receptors, which are bound to our amino acids. Basically, these receptors are present throughout the body and all of our systems are actually modulated by the cannabinoid system. This means that every time a system in your body is changed, it uses the cannabinoid system for it. The body is amazing, isn’t it?

Categories of cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are divided into the following 3 categories:
Phytocannabinoids – plant, cannabinoids, found in the cannabis plant
Endocannabionids – naturally produced by the body
Synthetic cannabinoids – cannabinoids manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry

Now that we have a basic understanding of cannabinoids, let’s go back to the medical aspect of cannabis. The medicinal components of cannabis are found in the plant’s glands. The actual activity of the cannabis plant is in its
Phytocannabinoids that affect the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our system.

Here it is important that you as a consumer can distinguish the influence of the receptors in our system.

CB1: Generates activity in the nervous system

CB2: Gives signals to the cells of our immune system and can help alleviate an overactive immune system. Sclerosis patients find great remedies in this as it is possible for CB2 to counteract their cramps and muscle stiffness. Now the question of a sclerosis patient is of course: “Where can I find medical cannabis that affects the receptors CB1 and CB2?”

Here is the answer:

CBD oil as medicine for sclerosis

We want to give you an insight into all the possibilities that the cannabis market offers. There are different cannabinoids in cannabis as seen in the picture, but we’ll look at the two most common forms of cannabinoids in the form of THC and CBD.

Most cannabis oils consist of several of the so-called phytocannabinoids. These can vary depending on the system and production method. However, the most important of the two cannabis oils is the amount of each substance. If the oil contains a percentage of CBD, the oil is a CBD oil, it is proportional to THC.

THC has a special connection to CB1 and is the substance that makes you “high”. Therefore, it is not legal to sell or take this substance. This is the reason why you shouldn’t buy THC oil.

In contrast, CBD oil has become a popular product for use in sclerosis patients. The CBD drug has a direct connection to CB2 and CB1 and thus helps to dampen an overactive immune system that affects several people with sclerosis. In contrast to THC oil, CBD oil, therefore, has no euphoric effect when ingested. However, it is important to note that there is no CBD oil without a lower THC content in the oil.

As a consumer, please note that the product can be made organically or synthetically. As already mentioned, a distinction is made between phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids. While synthetic cannabinoids contain products such as “Sativex“, phytocannabinoids appear from organic products.

Organic products are particularly popular but are not available in Europe because they contain cannabis and, like all other cannabis products, end up under drug legislation.

Researchers at the Cajal Institute used animal cells to find out whether CBD showed anti-inflammatory responses and served as permanent protection against the effects of sclerosis. Mice treated with 10-day CBD treatment had superior motor skills and showed significant progress in their condition. Based on this data, the researchers concluded that the CBD can reduce various aspects of sclerosis.

CBD oil for multiple sclerosis – should medical cannabis be fully legalized?

The sclerosis society carried out a study with 438 sclerosis patients, which stands for the approximately 14,500 people suffering from sclerosis. The survey shows information about the attitudes and thoughts of sclerosis patients about the question, “Do you think cannabis should be made legal for medical purposes?”

As the statistics show, 92% of the participants react to the legalization of medical cannabis, so sclerosis patients cement their attitude to a very hot topic in Germany. CBD oil for sclerosis is one of the things that should be legalized, according to respondents.

However, we would like to emphasize that it is legal to import CBD oil from foreign webshops. It is legal to use CBD oil only for your own consumption. We have prepared a guide to buy CBD oil that you can read more about.


  1. Corey-Bloom, Jody, et al. “Smoked cannabis for spasticity in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.” Cmaj 184.10 (2012): 1143-1150.
  2. Langford, R. M., et al. “A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of THC/CBD oromucosal spray in combination with the existing treatment regimen, in the relief of central neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis.” Journal of neurology 260.4 (2013): 984-997.
  3. Zajicek, J. (2005). Cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis (CAMS) study: safety and efficacy data for 12 months follow upJournal Of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry76(12), 1664-1669. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2005.070136
  4. Chiurchiù, V., van der Stelt, M., Centonze, D., & Maccarrone, M. (2018). The endocannabinoid system and its therapeutic exploitation in multiple sclerosis: Clues for other neuroinflammatory diseases. Progress In Neurobiology, 160, 82-100. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2017.10.007

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