What is CBD used for

Last Updated on November 11, 2020 by Maxwell Harris

Cannabis is a natural product and very valuable as a naturopathic therapeutic. In order to benefit from all medicinal effects, it is not necessary to use cannabis plants containing THC. THC is the pharmacological part in the cannabis plant, which is responsible for the intoxicating effect. All cannabis plants with a significantly high proportion of THC fall under the Narcotics Act. However, there are also varieties of cannabis plants that have little THC, but a very high proportion of CBD, cannabidiol.  All products made from it can be purchased legally as dietary supplements. In the finished product, for example, CBD oil, the THC content is below 0.1%, so it is hardly detectable. Buying CBD oil is completely unproblematic and legal from the legal point of view.

What is CBD oil?

CBD is contained together with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in the female hemp flower. In contrast to THC-based products, the oil has an analgesic effect, since the THC is used more for a psychoactive effect. The CBD oil is mainly used for pain and inflammation of any kind.

The CBD oil mainly acts on the CB1 receptors that are predisposed to the brain. Because it calms the nervous and immune systems, CBD helps with neurological and psychological pain. The oil relieves pain associated with asthma, diabetes, stress, acne, cancer, sleep disorders, inflammation, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

Production of CBD oil

There are no psychoactive effects when using CBD oil, which makes it legal.

The production of CBD oils is very limited, because there are only around 50 hemp plants that are approved for production. These have to demonstrate a THC content below 0.2 percent.

After harvesting, the seeds of the hemp plant are pressed through an oil mill using a careful cold pressing process. The harvest takes place from the end of July to the end of September.

Wide range of uses due to specific CBD oil effects

The non- intoxicating active substance cannabidiol can be used for prophylaxis and therapy in a wide range of applications. The numerous positive properties of cannabidiol have already been shown to be very effective in its application. Cannabidiol in cannabis oil is a chemical-pharmacological compound, which occurs exclusively in the hemp plant. It has been proven that during the growth of the cannabis plant, so-called CBDA is formed, a preliminary stage of CBD, which is later contained in the finished product. Especially high concentrations of CBD can be found in industrially cultivated hemp. Cannabidiol, as a very valuable ingredient of certain cannabis varieties, is a real all-rounder when it comes to supporting a healthy immune system.

Cannabis is often wrongly associated with drug use, but it has been in use as a medicinal plant several thousand years ago. The consumption of the so-called CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol oil, has been shown to be a powerful pain relief. Since March 2017, prescriptions have been allowed to be prescribed by doctors, which is very helpful for some patients.

Chronic pain can subside with CBD

CBD oil can be used promisingly for a wide variety of health restrictions, indications and symptoms. However, attention should be paid to both the concentration of cannabidiol and the product quality of the oil. Users repeatedly report that too low concentrations of CBD in the end product hardly produce any healing success. CBD oil with concentrations of 5% or 10% cannabidiol should therefore be used to support the treatment of chronic clinical pictures or pain syndromes of the musculoskeletal system. As a natural product, the active ingredient concentrations in cannabis oil are also subject to certain natural fluctuations. With modern manufacturing processes, for example with the extraction of CBD by carbon dioxide from the cannabis plant, it is already possible to standardize active ingredient levels. Thus, end users can always rely on the same CBD content for the oil dose used.

What else is CBD used for:

1) Asthma and allergies

Since asthma is often caused by a misdirected immune system, it can be treated with CBD oil very easily. The oil inhibits inflammation and stimulates the immune system again. But the oil is also beneficial for patients suffering from various allergies due to the body’s defenses.

Related article: CBD and Asthma

2) Stress

You usually fight stress by calming yourself down and trying to get down. This is how cannabis oil works. It causes you to relax and relieve stress and even anxiety.

3) Acne

Acne is also one of the many applications in which the oil helps. Even young people with everyday problems benefit from CBD oil. But it also works for adults with acne or other impurities on the skin. The fat content on the skin is reduced due to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

4) Cancer

Because of the stressful chemotherapy, the CBD substance is helpful as a solution to the cramps and pain. CBD relieves cancer growth but also heals damaged cells.

5) Sleep disorders

The oil combats sleep disorders in particular. The ingredients of the CBD oil help very well with insomnia. Fatigue is one of the biggest side effects of natural oil. So the oil is perfect for patients suffering from insomnia.

Intake, application and dosage of CBD oil

Basically, these quantities are recommended for adults with approx. 60-90 kg. Depending on the reaction and tolerance of your body, you should increase or decrease the doses. Remember that everybody reacts differently.

Swallow the CBD oil drop by drop. However, the taste is a bit strange. If the taste is too strong for you, you can also take the oil with water, but this will reduce the effect of the CBD oil.

In addition, cancer patients who do not receive classic treatment such as chemotherapy are given hemp oils with a particularly high THC content. These oils are however are considered illegal in most of Europe. However, it is not legally prohibited to make it yourself.

  • For mild pain, stomach and digestive problems, the dosage is around 3 drops in the morning and 3 drops in the evening .02% CBD each.
  • For stress, tension and anxiety, you can take about 3 drops in the morning, 3 over the day and 3 in the evening.
  • Patients with severe acne can also use the oil unconditionally. It helps lower the fat content of the skin and is anti-inflammatory at the same time.

Cannabidiol is practically free of side effects

If you want to buy CBD oil, you can do it legally in the entire European Union without conflicting with the Narcotics Act. Both the cultivation of commercial hemp for the purpose of obtaining cannabidiol and the production of cannabis oil as a food supplement are subject to strict legal regulations in Europe.

A psychoactive effect does not have to be feared when taking CBD oil. The experience of many users also shows that the side effect rate is extremely low. In addition, the tolerance, even with long-term use of a few drops of oil daily, is described as very good. Taking cannabidiol can cause side effects such as decreased appetite, diarrhea and drowsiness.

From a medical point of view, there is no reason not to take cannabidiol. It has also been declared safe from the World Health Organisation (WHO) itself. An interaction with conventional medication cannot, however, be excluded in every individual case. Therefore, the treating doctor should be informed or asked for advice before using CBD-containing products.

CBD contains no intoxicating substances and is not psychoactive

The terms cannabis, marijuana or hemp are often mentioned in one breath. However, it is important to differentiate. Marijuana and hemp both belong to the genus of the cannabis plant, but the pharmacological difference lies in the ingredients. If the content of tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, is below 0.3% in a certain cannabis species, this variety is referred to as hemp. Hemp is an industrially very versatile product and is not only used for medical purposes. Because the cosmetics, food and textile industries also use hemp for product manufacture, for example for the extraction of oils, fibers or seeds.

The differences between CBD, marijuana and hashish

As soon as the THC content in a cannabis plant is above 0.3%, an intoxicating effect must be assumed. These cannabis strains are also known as marijuana. Mostly CBD-containing and almost THC-free cannabis products have nothing to do with the intoxicating marijuana. The psychoactive effects of cannabis oil therefore depend very much on how much THC is contained in a cannabis plant or the end product made from it. Very different proportions of a cannabis plant can be used to manufacture the product. Not only leaves and flowers of the female cannabis plant are processed, but also the resin. During processing, lumps and plates can be pressed from the resin, which are then also referred to as hashish. Hashish is also known for its rather high content of THC and thus has a strong psychoactive and intoxicating effect, in contrast to CBD.

Experience with the CBD oil

As mentioned above, since the beginning of 2017, doctors have been allowed to prescribe patients who depend on the effects of cannabis oil. Meanwhile, some patients have been able to try the effects of the oil in the hope of being relieved of their pain.

A 72-year-old patient from Lower Rhine, Germany (“Niederrhein” in german) reports how the CBD oil helped her. She was diagnosed with rheumatism. Rheumatism is a disease that ignites several joints at the same time. For weeks she was treated by doctors in the hospital, operated on her feet and sent to rehab, but nothing helped. The complaints went so far that the elderly woman was no longer able to stand or walk, much less make purchases alone or take care of the house. She has been suffering from the disease for seven years, which in the end also leads to depression and sleep disorders. Her life changed four years ago when she was prescribed CBD oil. Since then she has been able to walk independently and is not dependent on outside help.

CBD oil for animals

CBD oil applications are also used in animals, such as dogs, cats, and horses. Since animals also have the so-called endocannabinoid system (ECS), the CBD oil increases the quality of life of the animals. CBD has practically the same effect on animals, as on humans. The cannabinoids adhere to the CB1 and CB2 receptors that occur in the brain, nervous system, organs and many other areas of the body.


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